Legacy Focus SE or PS Audio FR20

My custom-made speakers have served me well for 40 years (including several upgrades) but given technological advancement I’m beginning to evaluate new speakers. Top of my list so far are Legacy Focus SE and PS Audio FR 20 - both of which I was able to hear at Axpona. Both are at or above my price range so I’m looking for insights from users on these or other suggestions at or below the price range. Listening habits are 60% rock/alternative, 20% folk, 20% jazz. Integrated amp is 175 watt Plinius 8200, TT is Sota Nova with older model Origin Live Silver tonearm and Grado Reference 3 cartridge. I do have some high-end hearing loss so I’m trying to factor that in as well. Any help appreciated, thanks!


I sometimes feel you guys (gals) think too much! I'm driving my Legacy Focus SEs with a BAT VK-600SE power amp and BAT VK-31SE preamp fed by an Ayre CD player or VPI Classic turntable.  If you team these speakers with good equipment you won't be disappointed.

@artemus_5 Unfortunately the nearest Legacy dealer is in Springfield, IL almost 4 hours from my home. And PS Audio only sells direct from Denver. If I think the Legacy is what I’m pretty sure I want I’ll make a trip to Springfield. No trips to Denver though - I’d have to order the FR 20s and ship them back if I decide against them. 

BTW I don’t have problems with a dealer weighing in provided they identify themselves as such. I figure quality dealers should know their product better than most as well as competitors’ products. They can offer insights and evaluations I might not have thought of or simply didn’t understand. I’ve worked for years with a local dealer and he hasn’t steered me wrong— that said I also bought my first integrated amp - age 18 when I was younger and dumber — from a dealer who insisted I could get FM radio on it! Imagine my surprise at unboxing! As before, thanks everyone for your insights.

My stepfather has the Focus SE in his system, and absolutely loves them.  He has had Vandersteen 3A and Meadowlark Heron speakers, and these were stand above and vastly outperformed on all levels.  Sound staging and delicate details excel in Legacy speakers, but they also have power and control.  Build quality is top notch, same with cross over components. 
Others noted wise thoughts with knowing maybe before hand if you need something as large as Focus SE, where Signature might be perfectly fine for your space.  Or other direction, if something in the XD range would help you.  In my stepfathers space, he absolutely NEEDS something powered-subwoofer related.  I did room frequency measurements and his space is actually TOO big and doesn't resolve/retain bass notes well. 

I have the Legacy Studio HDs and a small sub for my wonky small living room home theater, and man, my listening experience is not real far off from my stepfathers sound.

I own and have used the Legacy Signature SEs for many years now and love them for my room and parity with amp. That said, the Focus SEs definitely breathe easier -- a second midrange driver and 12" vs 10" dual subs assure that. Smaller room, smaller budget, Signatures. Larger room, larger budget, Focus. FWIW.

It’s sad how this should be an advice board but so many come across as there opinions are gospel and badgering. Sure I will get bashed but who cares. Listening is an opinion of one’s ears. It is not ohms law and so many take it that way. If my one hears a cable or speaker better it’s not snake oil it’s what fits there hearing. So disappointed in post I am out. Take care