Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems?

This question is polite way of asking: How many of us spend big bucks to secure the best sound we can, only to misuse or under use our equipment? IF my personal experience is anything to go by (probably not typical) many times I've done something purely ignorant which resulted in an otherwise decent system failing to perform as it could if well connected? My error in my SVS sub settings is a perfect example. This morning the timbre and soundstage is unlike I've ever heard from this chair. For a year at least I had two filters fighting each other squashing my tunes! Audiogon forums are often assessed to cure perceived problems by members however, what one doesn't know CAN harm you! (your sound that is).My short list of crazy stupid isn't by any means limited to the subwoofer setting error. A short list includes wrong tubes in wrong places, modem and router WAY TOO close to amp, speakers overly toed`in, and the list goes on...Its probably impossible to believe but apparently some of us need a "systems check up"! Wishful thinking I suppose but you know there's others who have invested hundreds if not thousands only to produce B~ sound.  Check list? "FIND WEAKEST LINK HOTLINE"? Ideas?



For the first 10 yrs, I made the biggest mistake just buying components and speakers without full commitment to this hobby . Iam just happy to have sounds. I did not want to learn more.This hobby to have satisfactory system you need to learn about your components, cables and speakers , develop listening skills, spend time listening a lot if you can.

Long, long road to get here, two things stand out for me. Number one is I wasn't equipment churner, first thing was finding sympatico amp/speaker, from this foundation I built out systems continually seeking out the weakest link. Weak links discovered through keeping audio journal, every listening session followed by analysis, this gave me direction or an orderly/logical path for making improvements.

Sounds like more analysis than listening here. I think that's the big trap. With me it's more building than listening, which is probably worse.

Cycled through gear too quickly, ignored the synergy needed between equipment and room acoustics.  Not paying enough attention to room acoustics.  Not changing my seating position relative to speakers and or experimenting enough with speaker placement.  Still working through all the above with tweaks, experimenting, learning everyday.  Likely need to explore ground isolation / power filtration options.  All the stuff that isn’t about the “next best thing”.  Funny I’ll find ways to bring in a new DAC or Pre or Streamer but keep jumping over a ground isolator / filter that isn’t limiting on the available power supply even though it’s been on the top of my list for several years.  Happy New Year! 

No one has any idea if they are getting the most out of their playback system. Synergy between components is always subjective, unless your system uses active speakers and components that are designed for each other. There is no app that will tell you if your speakers and amp work together in the best way possible.

Audiophiles are the only animals that spend so much time and money buying a Ferrari and then adding an engine then changing the suspension then changing to another engine then changing tires 5 times all along talking about synergy and the difference that steering wheel grip material make on the punch of bass response.