Regarding ambient sound feedback: I did an experiment one time in my listening room, with my RT-909 tape recorder and my Music Hall MMF-7 TT (project OEM tonearm). The cartridge was a higher end GRADO.
I started the record playing, recording into the RT-909. After the record play was about 1/2 way of the LP, I unplugged the TT BUT KEPT THE 909 TAPING. So, the needle is sitting motionless in the groove of the motionless LP, with the RT-909 continuing to record the cartridge output.
They I walked around the room, clapping, shouting, humming, singing, and even stomping a couple times, all at various amplitudes.
You guessed it: when I played the tape from the "non playing" sections back, I heard many of the clappings, many of the shouting, some of the higher amplitude singing, and all of the stompings.
My deduction was that ambient sound feedback from the listening room and speakers is significant and audible...