@ken6217 It is great when we find good synergy systems vise, myself I am thinking about getting a StringAmp d220 power amp to pair with my pre when I move my speakers to my bigger living room, also thinking about getting two Rel’s to make the sound a little bigger.
BBC design is said to be amp friendly, as long as the amp has a strong power supply I think one does not have to spend crazy money.
@jasonbourne71 There is probably no reason to spend 10K on an amp to drive a Graham speaker, but that doesn’t mean that a 10K amp would not do a terrific job 😜 I have never heard a Fosi amp, they may sound great with the Graham’s or they may sound terrible, the Graham’s are very revealing speakers as all the BBC designs are monitor speakers meant to be used in different sizes studios, luckily for us they also sound great in our homes.