All-in-One units for retiring audiophile & music lovers in 2025, say what?

A good audio buddy friend closing in on his later parts of the golden years contacted me over the holidays. He started  talking rather excitedly about these new all-in-one units. [Please disregard if this is nothing new for you and/or not of any real interest]. This story and ask below might not resonate with some. Hopefully others who can relate might reply, understanding a lot of what this is really about. A winding down audiophile friend, looking for simplicity of listening to music is what I can share up front. 

I found my audiophile friend's [all of the sudden] inquiry interesting, me asking what he's looking at buying -  say what?, and starting to ask him "does it sound good, look good, is it light weight or heavy, could you see it replacing everything as your new center piece in your big room, and all the other stuff gone - really?", "Say more". He started to share more. Please read on if any of this is resonating, Thanks.  

We start talking and reminiscing about our early Go-To receivers from the mid 1970s. The big all-in-one boxes. Wider cases, big transformers, powerful, weighty, great FM tuners, tone controls, Big Stereo Sound.  How it was back then - simple to listen to FM, big roller dial, plug in your turntable, tape decks, and enjoy the music for days. No other worries, let it play. Remember doing that?  I bet many members here on Audiogon lived all of that too, and none of us will ever forget it. I won't. 

I also bring this up because It dawned on me, I started asking myself wow - is this really occurring all over again in some new and exciting way. Like a giddy kid  I start researching with him seeing more - woah, what? I did realize some of this [sort of an era renewal] was already occurring past few years, still not quite aware myself of what's out there, or coming back, maybe puzzled a bit and curious.

Seeing more videos, familiar reviewers, all touching on this topic past 1-2 yrs. Then you see some of the same new units popping up with all of the reviewers, hmmm. 

So my fairly extreme multi [tube/amp/component] audio buddy [past 60 years] starts showing me these new generation [mostly] solid state units he's been looking at, seemingly ready to hang up ALL of the separate components.  Says he simply wants "one box" now to "do it all", "getting rid of all this other stuff", to just "play music" and "be done". These were his exact words recently. Some may relate here. It kinda hit me. Something to be said for simplicity and just listening to music. Yes. 

Next Generation - 

Looking closely at these new units with my friend - seeing somewhat old-familiar design approaches, renewed, by real engineers. Ahhh, hey, there we see big transformers, a stout amplifier section, nice capacitors, thick copper wiring, big screws on power caps, robust binding posts, nice built in DAC, built-in streamer with tons of access, yep - tone controls, loudness control, low noise, meters, lighting - hmmm what's going on here.  I soon realized I too need to pay attention and look around more closely - to see what he's really looking at and why. It starts to make a lot of sense, it's coming into a focus, just like the '70s era receivers were.

Fast forward a few weeks -  Buddy just ordered his new all-in-one unit, maybe downsizing speakers. He's dropping back down to a new/familiar 70s style midsize speaker as well.  He was initially anxious, a little nervous maybe, wondering - and decided to just go forward and "not look back" he says. Some of you may already be well down this path, or even doing this in 2nd, 3rd systems now. The whole thing is sort of a throwback [in some ways] to me, sort of what it use to be like 50yrs ago. Or feels that way to me.  They say great ideas recycle back to themselves. Maybe so. Observing closer now.  

Wow, wouldn't it be really cool if it could be all done really well, in one-box, once again? No more separates component listening - just hit the power button one time, turn up the volume, and let it play in the big room, listen, walk around, no worries - just let it play for days on end. I bet many  here totally get why I posted this. It's for an audio friend.  


Please share your story. It would be so cool for him to read any of your stories. I know he would be interested and appreciate your wind-back consolidation journey too - if you have one like his to share in some way.  Particularly those who've made great strides towards major consolidation and still enjoying the music.  Dear buddy is starting the journey now to separate himself from his vast array of separates, lots of stuff, selling everything else soon, and going back to "one box" for simple music in the big room. I'm supporting him along the way on this particularly journey.    

Thanks a million in advance for your replies - care to share your familiar story at all?







I had the Naim Uniti Nova in my apartment using Revel PerformaBe F228Be speakers. There was no ethernet filtration and plain crackers speaker and power cable and a single ancient small sub. I did put in a hospital grade wall plug.  It sounded good. Sold it when apartment was done with. Given the average cost of an amp, pre, streamer and dac in an all in one unit traded for connivence you get what you get. And what you get keeps on sounding better and better.

BUT please let's not forget that the room matters as much as all the gop in it. Many of us have heard amazing gear in poor rooms and average gear in great rooms and the room wins out every time. I bet the Naim Uniti line or the like in a great/treated room would achieve the KISS equipment metric along with great sound strived for.

@rbstehno Decooney- this is why I mentioned to sell everything he has now and get the pair of Kef LS60 speakers that have the amps/dac/preamp all built in and they sound terrific. All you would have in the room is a pair of speakers.

For sure. Powered speakers which allow bluetooth to be streamed wirelessly or even cable connected from an iPad or phone or something, is a worthy/simple approach.  While I've not tried it yet myself, the posts do pop up periodically.  

IIRC I read somewhere a few months back there were some powered-speakers that showed up at one of last years better known audio shows and some people were quite taken by them and the sound - over many other rooms. Hmmm.

I’m going down a similar path hoping to consolidate 3 (possibly even 4, 5 or 7) components into one single component. I don’t stream, but can via my TV using Amazon Prime HD. Here are the components I am hoping to consolidate (all running in 2 channel stereo):

  • Audio Refinement Pre5 preamp
  • Audio Refinement Multi5 amp
  • DacMagic

The rest of the components are possible to also consolidate:

  • Audio Refinement Tuner (FM is still so easy)
  • Schiit Loki Mini+ EQ (more on this later)
  • Salience / Jasmine LP 2 mkII dual box MM / MC phono preamp

I recently tried the Exposure 3010s2d integrated to consolidate the top 2 / 3 items (never got the limited connection DAC card in) and while it sounded good overall, I didn’t like it because:

  • It has tape in and tape out, but no tape monitor switch to enable a tape loop connection for my EQ (why?)
  • Didn’t seem to play loud enough with some sources (does not have a 4 ohm rating and I have 4 ohm 91 dB ProAc studio 148 speakers)
  • Has a limited connection DAC module card (no standard COAX or toslink in)
  • Can take a phono preamp module card, but cannot take both a DAC and phono module card

The Atoll IN200 Evo with the DA100 DAC card is next on my list. Why?

  • IN200 Evo sounds much closer to the highly rated and reviewed IN300 signature (see ABA’s review on both the IN300 sig and IN200 sig models, he loved 300 and didn’t like the 200)
  • It has a modular excellent sounding DA100 or DA200 DAC card that has both standard COAX and toslink inputs
  • It also can take a modular phono MM / MC phono preamp card at the same time, not sure how good it sounds (anyone have input on this Atoll phono board?)
  • It has tape in and tape out connections with tape loop monitor switching capability
  • It is true dual mono design, with plenty of power (120 8 ohm / 200 4 ohm), a reserve max 300w per channel plus class AB design, with lots of speaker control and grip, especially the bass

Hopefully the IN200 Evo does indeed sound "almost" as good as the IN300 sig and does at least as well as my Audio Refinement (designed by YBA) separates. Even better, the phono modular card sounds just as good as my LP 2.0 mkII and I can eliminate the EQ in my system with grip and control characteristics listed above.

Why do I mention all of this? It seems like the Atoll SDA300 does exactly what your friend wants to do (DAC / Streamer Ethernet in, same amp stage as the excellent IN300 sig, all in 1 remote plus nice display screen on front with phone app plus Bluetooth control also, headphone and usb front inputs and more including various computer hard drive reading formats) all in a very sleek and simple single box design. Maybe you could get by with an Atoll SD200 Evo if they make similar changes like the IN200 Evo? Only downside I see with the SDA300 is there is no phono card option and no tape in / out or monitor loop, but does have 2 RCA inputs so you could add an external phono stage. CD player could use second RCA or one of the digital inputs.

To @sbrownnw that SDA300 Signature you've listed kinda proves what has evolved here. There are member-friends here with former Atolls that don't look anything like what you just shared.  Streams Qobuz too like some others don't. Nice.  Adding the pic here from your link above.