Maggie LRS vs .7

I just did some searching here but surprisingly didn't find much on this topic. Maybe I'm not asking the right way?   Anybody have direct experience comparing these two?  I ask because there is a local used pair of .7 that I am watching.  I currently have the LRS being driven by Hegel h360 integrated.



I actually preferred the .7's to the 1.7's even. There's something very coherent about them... doesn't go as deep, but the bass they produce is more detailed and textured, the midrange is really where the magic is with the .7's.

Same experience here. 

The .7s are the best value in the Magnepan lineup, arguably the best speaker they make IMO. 


I had a pretty easy time with placement or my LRS and LRS+ but could never quite get it right for the Maggie Mini's ...

The first high end system that blew me away was fronted by Magnepan speakers, MMG's maybe, with a Hafler amp and preamp.  I have considered them many times, but I have a long narrow room with the speakers on the long way and only have about 3' of space behind the speakers.  Is that a deal breaker?