Maggie LRS vs .7

I just did some searching here but surprisingly didn't find much on this topic. Maybe I'm not asking the right way?   Anybody have direct experience comparing these two?  I ask because there is a local used pair of .7 that I am watching.  I currently have the LRS being driven by Hegel h360 integrated.



I had a pretty easy time with placement or my LRS and LRS+ but could never quite get it right for the Maggie Mini's ...

The first high end system that blew me away was fronted by Magnepan speakers, MMG's maybe, with a Hafler amp and preamp.  I have considered them many times, but I have a long narrow room with the speakers on the long way and only have about 3' of space behind the speakers.  Is that a deal breaker?

I had both. Started with the LRS and then moved to the .7s. I thought they were similar but .7s go a bit lower.  I had a bigger space they were in so the .7s were more appropriate. Ultimately, I went open baffle to get the transparency of the Maggies plus dynamics that the Maggies lacked. 

As to the OP, I think the decision to upgrade depends a lot on the size of your listening space.