Thanks a lot for this great post!
the zeitgest has moved on
Right! And each zeitgeist reveal and take with it new sensibilities and new realities, then we cannot fault the zeitgeist nor the people born with it...
but we can observe his effects on us...
What was once culture is now known as entertainment, ..... The downside is that a shared culture and a common language have been lost.
Thats the problem Beato spoke about without being clear as you are in this post because he only observed one effect , the poverty of the lyrics....
Now thanks to your post we see more clearly the problem in our social fabric : the desintegration of the social fabric imposed by many new factors but also the new technology (the internet) .
The poverty of lyrics came with this disintegration of the social fabric and his manufacture by the corporations...
music is only a canary in the mines...
A.I. will do way worse...
I am not a luddite by the way...
Thanks to internet i read all books and science articles i want, which i could never dreamed about young because i did not have enough money...( i had bought 2,500 books at age 29 and i compute that the price was a big deposit on a big house i "lost" in useless studies for some )
Same for the music...
I like my computer...I am not luddite..
But this does not means that the internet is not a problem : we must recreate the social fabric in a conscious way from the bottom up. If not A.I. will finish the destruction of the social threefold fabric : culture/ free education-political participation-economical integration, A.I. will flatten this three dimension of man conscious activities to one dimension of total control under big corporations ( it is already the case in many fields as medecine, agriculture etc no more freedom ).
Going back to music and lyrics.
Culture is not about taste but about education.
When education is no more free in all sense of the word free, artistic work lost all meanings, and any product is there to satisfy an animal pleasure instinct, thats all ...
Crocodiles had taste. We must know why we love something and why we dont love something else . We must think, we are not crocodiles exhanging about the way to taste cadavers in the river bed or listen to this or that and it must be good then ....
And perhaps if we think we will know how and when and why lyrics are bad or not ...
Bob Dylan "taste" more Gerard Manly Hopkins than Marvel comics, i bet this is not a question of "taste" precisely.
«For sure i am elitist in the crowd»-- Groucho Marx