What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?

Wondering what are the top 1-3 new pieces of gear audiogoners added in 2024 that made the biggest difference in your music listening enjoyment.

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I changed a VPI table for a Dr Feickert Volare and I am very pleased.

I also added a 2nd Plinius SA102 amp that feeds my Canton Ref 3K speakers.

I think I am done.

My upgrade is coming in Jan 2025. A pair of Mur audio SP1 speakers.  Can’t wait 

Hard to decide between them, but these 3 were the best upgrades in 2024

(1) Aric Audio Motherlode XL tube preamp

(2) Aric Audio Transcend "Push Pull" EL 34 tube amplifier

(3) CODA S5.5 solid state amplifier


Furutech NCF Clear Line AC Power Supply Optimizer 

I already own a Furutech very high end wall outlet.  Adding this little device Did make a small difference.  Seemed to have help smooth out upper mid range.  




Power Supply upgrade for my BlueSound Node N130. I did the PD Creative first and it made a significant difference. Then I saw a picture of the LHY board covered with capacitors and decided to upgrade again. This upgrade also made a noticeable improvement in sound quality. Both upgrades are highly recommended depending upon how much you want to spend.

Prior to the upgrade, I felt that the Node sounded flat and lacking in top end compared to my CDP to the point that I couldn’t listen very long without getting distracted. The Node with the upgrades still doesn’t match my Raysonic tubed CDP, but it is much closer, and I can enjoy listening for extended periods.