What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?

Wondering what are the top 1-3 new pieces of gear audiogoners added in 2024 that made the biggest difference in your music listening enjoyment.

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Power Supply upgrade for my BlueSound Node N130. I did the PD Creative first and it made a significant difference. Then I saw a picture of the LHY board covered with capacitors and decided to upgrade again. This upgrade also made a noticeable improvement in sound quality. Both upgrades are highly recommended depending upon how much you want to spend.

Prior to the upgrade, I felt that the Node sounded flat and lacking in top end compared to my CDP to the point that I couldn’t listen very long without getting distracted. The Node with the upgrades still doesn’t match my Raysonic tubed CDP, but it is much closer, and I can enjoy listening for extended periods.

I finally retired my 27 year-old bridged Rotel RB-980BX amps and 15 year-old Rotel RC 1580 pre-amp with PS Audio BHK 300 amps and BHK Signature pre-amp (they really make the La Scalas sing).  The Rotels served me well for almost 3 decades so the BHKs should last longer than I will.

Now for a streamer...it's always something.

Hello and Happy New Year,

I returned to the warmth of tubes with the addition of a Prima Luna EVO 400 integrated amp for my music system rig.  I added a HSU VTF-TN1 sub primarily for the movie surround to add more low end as an adjunct to my smaller/older HSU VTF-MK 2.  For more details on the subs you might check out


I'm fortunate to reside about 30 minutes from Dr. Hsu's facility.  He's a brilliant engineer (MIT PHD) designing, building subs for over 40 years and loves to talk subwoofer.  Oh and he answers the phone (or his main assistant, Kevin.  Enjoy the music!






In my digital only system, my 2024 DAC upgrade was very impactful. Get the very best DAC you can afford and it will be money well spent. HNY and good listening in 2025. Rick N

Buchardt S400 Mk II’s (sold my S300’s and should have just kept them)  The

S400’s are great but show how good the S300’s are.  Silent Angel M1T digital transport.  Major upgrade from my laptop with USB going to the