l have heard a few Paradigm subs many years ago.
l think you have misunderstood my comments on Rels….. All their models offer hi-level AND low level inputs!
l use hi-level for two channel hi-fi and that’s the end of story for me. For home theatre that is a different story because you can only accept multi-channel via RCA line in so l have nothing against low level. Hi-fi 2 channel via Neutrik hi-level is just a better option. Adopting that input method passes on the amplifiers harmonics so the sub receives your amplifiers signature characteristics. You do know the signal is relayed from the amps speaker out terminals?
Rel were the first sub manufacturer to offer this to the market place and some other manufacturers adopted the technology and the reasoning. Rel by offering the two input options allow you to use the sub for two channel hi-fi via hi-level Neutrik (often referred to as Speakon) and low level line in RCA for cinema multichannel. That has to be TWO good reasons to audition the Rel range.