I have the DAC3B and it is hot on top, but it is better than average for DACs in that price range, and I will always keep it around.
The Freya+ was a weak link in my system, and I only liked it with the uber neutral Benchmark AHB2 amp.
I now own the Schitt Mjolnir v3 which I use as a preamp. The headphone amp in it does not match my headphones. I like this preamp a lot more than the Freya+. Reading the threads on SBAF and Head-fi I think the Mjolnir v3 is getting a lot of love. It is a Class A device and runs very hot, It only has 2 inputs and no remote.
Saying all of that the Mjolnir is my 3rd best preamp. They Benchmark LA4/HPA4 and the Holo Audio Serene are preferred by a wide margin. These preamps do not impart much sound to the system so have some good sources and amp.
I now have the Yggi+ OG (not available) and I think is an incredible DAC. I also have the Yggi+ LIM and it is rolled off and works for a bright system. The opposite of the Benchmark DAC3B.
Later this year Schitt is coming out with a new DAC tech they are calling Singularity. I am going to convert my LIM DAC to this new tech. I was thinking of converting my Yggi+ to the MIB, but research has led me to wait for Singularity.
BTW - there is a great device called the GeerFab Audio - GeerFab this device will play your SACD’s using the DSD layer. If you Schitt URD has HDMI output, you can hookup the DAC3B via the D.BOB and get great DSD sound. I use a $200 OPPO as the transport to get the DSD layer. The DAC3B supoorts DSD better than the Yggi’s.