The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!!

I'm not a big Beato fan but he makes some good points at time. This is one of those times IMO. I know some of the younger generation will disagree with the whole premise. Being born in 1951 the boomer gen was hit with the same  indictment about the new Rock & Roll music. There was some truth in it. But we didn't care because we liked R&R. I expect the same from some today who like today's music. but I think if you listen you may find some morsels which can be enlightening. This is especially true for musicians who may find they agree wholeheartedly..

The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse


I'm 73 and I disagree with Beato pretty much all the time when he's whining about how 'his music' just isn't relevant to 'the kids' anymore.

He sounds like people of my parents' generation moaning about the Beatles and and that new rock and roll stuff - 'that's not music! That's screaming!' -  when they first came on the scene, and why can't the kids like Perry Como and Dean Martin like they do? That's real music....

There's always been great music. There's always been not-great music. Often that is totally subjective and boils down to taste and life experience. 

Post removed 

For all of us above 50 the new music today is only sound. For them is music.

I was writing a reply to many of the posters and had a brown out & lost it. Oh well. I'll just say that most were good comments with which I mostly agree. its obvious who did not read the post and commented to the header alone. For them I'll quote from my previous post

I know some of the younger generation will disagree with the whole premise. Being born in 1951 the boomer gen was hit with the same  indictment about the new Rock & Roll music. There was some truth in it. But we didn't care because we liked R&R. I expect the same from some today who like today's music

Contemporary art, in this case music, has always had critics and detractors regardless of genre. This has always been true and will be so, then, now and in the future.  Even Mozart had his critics who described his music as “harsh, too complex, overloaded and even boring”.   I’m a “baby boomer” whose love of music has grown with me to appreciate all genres.  Many of the lyrics are the “poetry” of our times and the artist’s life experience. For that I am appreciative. 
Enjoy the music.