As good or better than Magnepan 3.7i

First of all, I do really enjoy the 3.7i, but at some point I'm going to need to downsize and I'm looking for suggestions of speakers with equivalent or better sound. 
If they aren't full range, that's ok as I have a pair of SVS SB-3000 subs. 
What the maggies could do better are better dynamics, bass weight and so forth (little better on rock and big classical). 
The room is a dedicated listening room in the basement 26X13X7. 
Budget is in the same range as the 3.7i, 


Also, your room is awfully close to an optimal solution. Record shelves or bookcases along the long wall could do quite a lot for your sound. See the article by the famous acoustician Cox, of U of Salford. No snake oi, just the results of a large scale simulation. Relevant optimal dimension ratios are something like 1:1.42:4, IIRC.

I have worked with this room for 2 years and feel confident the acoustical treatments are finally correct. 
The Ikea record shelf is behind me on the rear wall. 
If I change speakers, especially if they are not dipole, then I'm sure some revisions to the placement of the acoustical panels will be required. 


Also, your room is awfully close to an optimal solution


So what you’re saying is that it’s the perfect room?

"I'm looking for suggestions of speakers with equivalent or better sound."

That's a really tall order. I honestly don't think you can get what you are asking for in the 9K range. 

I think the Wilson Watt Puppy 8 is equal or better sound but they are 28K. 

You can probably get 5K for yours taking your budget up to 14K but it's really hard to get the Maggie sound out of similar priced speakers. 

Just my 2 cents......

GR Research NX-Otica... 

The kits can be professionally assembled and finished from flat packs or DIY with much reward. Tremendous value and uncompromising sound quality. No affiliation, just personal experience.

Finally finished my GR research NX-Otica. These open baffle speakers are  amazing.