As good or better than Magnepan 3.7i

First of all, I do really enjoy the 3.7i, but at some point I'm going to need to downsize and I'm looking for suggestions of speakers with equivalent or better sound. 
If they aren't full range, that's ok as I have a pair of SVS SB-3000 subs. 
What the maggies could do better are better dynamics, bass weight and so forth (little better on rock and big classical). 
The room is a dedicated listening room in the basement 26X13X7. 
Budget is in the same range as the 3.7i, 


Qualio IQ. But I also like @russ69 suggestion. I have the ET speakers on my short list of ones to hear.

Considering you’re coming from Maggies I’d consider dipole speakers like the Spatial Audio X4 P2 that costs $9200 or maybe even the S4 at $5900.  I heard similar Spatials with LTA electronics at a show and it was one of the top systems I heard.  The Clayton Caladans may also be worth a look and would save you $$$.  Best of luck. 


So far, it looks like Spatial Audio is not going to be at axpona this year. Too bad.

I'd only buy Caladans if they were in stock and available for immediate shipment.  The wait for lots of folks has been over a year since ordering and that backlog still is being worked through.

In addition to Maggies, I also have Goldenear Triton 1s.  Different presentation, but very good.

At CAF 2024, I listened to the "not on the website yet," new model MCRs(?) using the very best Magnepan tech on smaller speakers. Around 7 k$.

Also, your room is awfully close to an optimal solution. Record shelves or bookcases along the long wall could do quite a lot for your sound. See the article by the famous acoustician Cox, of U of Salford. No snake oi, just the results of a large scale simulation. Relevant optimal dimension ratios are something like 1:1.42:4, IIRC.

I have worked with this room for 2 years and feel confident the acoustical treatments are finally correct. 
The Ikea record shelf is behind me on the rear wall. 
If I change speakers, especially if they are not dipole, then I'm sure some revisions to the placement of the acoustical panels will be required. 


Also, your room is awfully close to an optimal solution


So what you’re saying is that it’s the perfect room?

"I'm looking for suggestions of speakers with equivalent or better sound."

That's a really tall order. I honestly don't think you can get what you are asking for in the 9K range. 

I think the Wilson Watt Puppy 8 is equal or better sound but they are 28K. 

You can probably get 5K for yours taking your budget up to 14K but it's really hard to get the Maggie sound out of similar priced speakers. 

Just my 2 cents......

GR Research NX-Otica... 

The kits can be professionally assembled and finished from flat packs or DIY with much reward. Tremendous value and uncompromising sound quality. No affiliation, just personal experience.

Finally finished my GR research NX-Otica. These open baffle speakers are  amazing.

@ozzy62 "So what you’re saying is that it’s the perfect room?"

Yes, pretty much. Cox ( did large scale simulations of hundreds of thousands of rooms, and concluded that almost everything that most people have ever written or read on the subject is just plain wrong.

And not just the usual suspects - this includes the chapter in the Electronic Engineer’s Handbook (McGraw-Hill? CRC? - can’t remember). Anyway, he presents a scattergram of good ratios (height to width to length), about 2% coverage, and another scattergram of OK ratios - about 25% coverage, both for small, medium, and large rooms.

To my surprise, I found that one of my rooms was near one of his best dimensional ratios, a small island of sonic excellence centred at 1 : 1.415 : 3.47, so I rebuilt that room to those dimensions, to 1/8" (3mm) tolerance. Screw and elastomeric glue, Quietrock over Baltic birch ply, built-in record shelves, the whole 99 yards.

Most people remark on it as soon as they enter the room, before the music starts. They comment on the quality of the silence. There’s something peaceful and calming about the room itself. Costly? Yes. Worth it? Too right. Best component I’ve ever owned. Thing is - coincidence - that's the same ratio the OP could bill to.

My post of 08:44 reads, "Since you like planners, could you stretch to Quad 2912?"

DAMN that autocorrect. Should read, "Since you like planars, ... Quad 2912."

You might like "Pure Audio Project" open baffle speakers because you can customize them in many ways!



Well I just put my newly rebuilt Quad 63s away and am going to sell. So I am done with any dipole design and the difficulties that arise with proper placement. Now dynamic open baffle are a bit easier to place, but still am not a huge fan.  

Your Maggies are wonderful speakers!

Why don't you wait until you have to downsize and see if they will still work?

Goldenear Triton Reference. They give you back what might be missing at a reasonable price.

Goldenear Triton Reference.

I heard those at AXPONA last year and thought they were pretty good. 

Post removed 

Horns like Avant Garde or OMA and a good SET amp like Phasemation ir Air-tight


It’s difficult to make recommendations as planar panel speakers and unique sonic advantages and disadvantages.  Also Magnepan offer excellent performance to price - tough to beat.  Maybe smaller panel speakers from DIPTYQUE or Final 15 electrostatic.

Volti Razz or Lucera might have the clarity and speed you’ll like, but they’re very efficient so may not match your amplification

Probably your best bet is to review TAS periodic list of components/speakers, then go and demo speakers at audio stores and shows.

GoldenEar Triton is a musical speaker that images well.  Harbeth/Hegel combo, Monitor Audio, KEF…so many choices. 

second recommendation for

What the maggies could do better are better dynamics...

But be careful what you wish for, after living with 3.6’s for 15 years and going to a nice set of semi-conventional cone speakers I now get some songs that are too dynamic. Yes you read that correctly- on some tracks drums hit too hard and feel out of balance with the rest of the instruments, and I wish I was listening to the 3.6’s again. The majority are better though- It’s all about the recording. Tough to have it all for every piece of music.

They are actually a little too large for the room they are in. 

That room is a little larger than the one I had them in. Have you tried a Limage setup? 


Thank for the suggestions. I really like the Hegel, but wittiest be opposed to changing i


Never heard of Limage set up. Got a link?

OP- ok need smaller speakers. I'm guessing you love the "see through" quality the Maggies do so well. My B&W 803 also do that really well, as did the Vandersteen model 1 and model 2 I've had. The 803 are much more dynamic than the Vandies, and will effortlessly play much louder. For your purposes I would get the Vandies because they are much more affordable than the 803s. I know your budget is 15k but why spend it if you can get a speaker you will love for a lot less coin?

Don't know where I got  the idea your budget was 15k. Must been from another post. 


Thanks for the suggestions. Never been a fan of B&W for some reason. 
My 1st real speakers were Vandersteen 2C back in the mid 80's. They are a nice pleasant speaker, but unless things have changed, I found them to be overly "polite" and lacking clarity. 
I haven't heard the current models, but I hope that's improved. 


18 posts


Serenity Acoustics/GR Research Super 7s.

Planar magnetic midrange and treble; open baffle dual 12-inch Rythmik servo-controlled bass. Similar sound to 3.7s but with better bass and smaller footprint.

I have a pair for sale on Audiocircle Trading Post.

Well done! You basically post an ad without paying for it...AND mention that it's not even on this site!!

You have a big pair!

Post removed 

Anyone have an opinion on the PS Audio speakers?

I've heard them at axpona but they were in that large lobby area. Kind of hard to judge. The little FR 5 had a ton of bass somehow. Didn't hear the FR 10 since they kept going back to the bigger models.

Aura - Entry level of Estelon but fits the mid-sized room better than the Forza. Heard both in a show. Quite impressive.

Unless you need speakers a lot smaller, why not the Magnepan 2.7x?  Same basic design with true ribbon, and higher spec components throughout.  With your subs, it will likely sound better than the 3.7i.

I’m also a Maggie guy. As I’ve listened to speakers at dealers and at gatherings of my local audio club, I have to say I find most cone speakers don’t push my buttons. I did, however, just hear the PS Audio Aspen 5, which has a ribbon tweeter. Their other, larger models add a ribbon midrange, so you might find them to your liking. They’re all 4-ohm speakers and about 87 dB sensitivity, so your Maggie amps should be a fit. And even the smallest speaker does bass very well. Cheers.

I've heard a few of the PS models at the show, and they are impressive.


Of course today's listening session was good and I was asking myself "are you sure you want to sell these?"

I’m looking for suggestions of speakers with equivalent or better sound....

What the maggies could do better are better dynamics, bass weight and so forth

Magnepan is s unique speaker for which there is no clear substitute. Do you have any electronics that will do proper "bass management"? If you do, set each sub right next to each Maggie in the front stage and keep going higher in crossover somewhere until you hit 120, 140, 200 hz, etc.

"Bass Management" means anything under that crossover freq will be lopped off from reaching the Maggie and only sent to the subs. You will also have the ability to delay the maggies and such. If you have purist electronics only, you won’t have such capabilities.

When you do such experiments, i.e not giving maggie a full signal and restricting it from moving too much to produce lower bass octaves (done only by the sub now, the right guy for the job), everything can feel more dynamic, more bass weight, more resolution will pop up, etc.

Never make a Maggie move too much.



I cannot bring myself to buy these 2" thick speakers, we have tons of people that love it, definately not my cup of tea.  Maybe I'm wrong.


I understand how crossovers work and how you can use them to remove deep bass from the main speakers.

Not possible here with an integrated amp.

@traudio Well, you will give something up if you let go of the magnepans (something your replacement speakers will never do as well).

But, you could have it all if you became a non-purist such as I (armed to the teeth with critical execution tools).

Look for a used prepro known as the Yamaha CX-A5200 (worth its weight in gold) and study how to use it well. It shall bring you salvation.


2.7’s with an active crossover and a couple of small quick subs like REL will get you all you could ever want and then some

You guys realize that there's not much difference in size between 2.7i and 3.7i, right? Same height but 2.7i is a few inches narrower. If OP's downsizing due to size issues, I doubt 2.7 is the answer. I auditioned the 2.7i at a local dealer extensively before settling on 3.7i. The 3.7i sounds more effortless and deeper (both soundstage depth and bass). Moving to 2.7i will be a downgrade, IMO.