We did not like our parents music and born 1951 and they did not like ours.
But today I have a tube amp that produces so much detail from a songs that I never knew existed in all the years listening to them..So at 73 since all I do is stream and go back and listen to what my dad would listen to on a Reel to Reel he had .
And you know I can listen to some of it now , not all but some .
I look at reviews of equipment and they mention songs that bring out detail for you to hear and most newer songs they mention I can not stand to listen to..
I hear new artist and ask who is that and give them a try and 98% of time can not play their music.. So 73 yrs old I listen to Peter White LOL and oldies and some of Dads old music...But each has to decide to their own beat what you listen to.
Not Worse but age has so much to do with it for sure...LOL