Check This Out!

Just wanted to make audiophile community aware, anyone looking for a DAC must check out Galle DAC from Cinnamon Audio. The feedback from two recent buyers was very inspiring and they bought the DAC after listening.

"The Galle DAC: we’ve crafted a DAC that delivers a natural, lush sound with remarkable dynamics and harmonic richness"

Cutting edge R2R, 27 bit ladder, laser cut the resistors to hit 0.1% tolerance; installed directly into the circuit board for a bargain price of $12,995

You can hear this DAC at Capitol Audio, courtesy @gestalt audio.


@grannyring Hey Bill what is your system setup these days? I clicked your profile but I don't see your virtual system anymore?

@jond thanks for asking. Well, I moved 5 times in the past 2 years and let’s just say it has been a stressful time period. The Audiophile’s Wife and I are now settled and hopefully for many years 🙂. I now have a nice treated and dedicated listening room.

I have the Wolf Von Langa Son speakers with Conica stands, Innuos Pulsar streamer, Cinnamon Galle dac, cables all made by John Tucker of Exemplar Audio and John’s hybrid integrated amp. I will most likely add a tube amp to rotate in at some point in the future.  The Galle dac is due in any day now. Once the Galle dac is in place I will load my system into Virtual Systems.

No shock awesome system Bill I look forward to seeing it and I've heard WvL speakers several times at CAF they sound great.

@grannyring Glad to hear the Conica stands are working out for you. I have my SONs on LiveVibe Rhythm Junior stands and they sound great. I wonder how they compare to the Conicas.

I traded the Circle Labs amp/pre for the New Audio Frontiers 211 SE amp and Stradavari pre and they sound wonderful with the SONs.

I look forward to hearing more about your impressions of the new Galle. Saw a bunch of them ready for shipping on the Cinnamon Facebook page. Maybe yours is in that batch. How long have you had to wait for it?

“I traded the Circle Labs amp/pre for the New Audio Frontiers 211 SE amp and Stradavari pre and they sound wonderful with the SONs.”

Congratulations! To my ears, this was indeed the most beautiful pairing when I last visited @gestalt. And you got HIJIRI cables…I bet you are in musical heaven :-)