Hey everybody,

Thought you might be interested in taking a look at the Stereo Times 2024 list of MOST WANTED COMPONENTS which was posted today. It contains both very reasonably priced and some uber-priced pieces of equipment.

Hope you enjoy, Teajay (Terry London)


Absolutely hilarious. The LTA DAC while probably sounds amazing on PCM files can’t do DSD and has no I2S input. So no spinning SACD’s via the Chinese Video HDMI to I2S adapter. A cheap ass SMSL or Topping DAC has this. And the DAC is obsoleted by Analog Devices laugh. Of course the analog output stage it what makes the sound of a DAC. Not the chip. But at almost $4k. They should be offering offer DSD playback at minimum.

I’ll stick with my 11+ year PS Audi Directstream Sr. that still smokes DAC’s $5k or that are being proliferated on the market today.



You still didn’t get it right. Yours is what is called in French, accent grave (è). What you want is an accent aigue (é). Criticizing is so much easier, isn’t it?


You are correct about what type of accent is to be used in this case, however I feel compelled to attract your attention to the fact that you spelled "aigue" incorrectly.

It should be "aigu", not "aigue", because the adjective derives its gender form from the noun's (here "accent"), and "accent" in French is masculine so "aigu" must be as well, and the final "e" would only be appropriate if the noun were of the feminine gender.

This thread is going weird places, isn't it


"Criticizing is so much easier, isn’t it?"

@spenav ,

So much easier than what? Being a professional reviewer/writer/editor who actually cares about proper grammar and misspellings in his reviews?

Yes, I imagine it is. You guys are blowing this so out of proportion it’s comical.

And thank you for pointing out my error. Anything that helps me become a better writer, I appreciate. Too bad others don’t share that point of view, huh?

I am forever thankful to Terry for his pointing me to the Coda S5.5.I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!