Looking for a Replacement for AT VM740ML Cartridge

Thinking of changing out my AT VM740ML Cartridge being I feel it’s a little bright. I like the transparency but would like just a “SLIGHT BIT” more warmth without it deadening the sound, so looking for recommendations.

Previous carts used: 

Ortofon Super OM20 which I loved on a previous TT, just not compatible with my tonearm on my current turntable.

Ortofon 2MBlue - Did not last and like the OM20 better

Sumiko Moonstone - Way too dull sounding 

Turntable is a EAT B Sharp and Currently using a Gold Note PH-10 Phono PreAmp with the external power supply, and even with it set to -3 dB on all the EQ settings still seems to be on the bright side.

I’d like to stick with MM, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




If they're compatible with your tonearm, Nagoaka MP200, 300, or 500 have a somewhat warmer sound signature, yet retained excellent natural sounding detail and dynamics.

Nagaoka +1.

Are you still running 5751 tubes in your amps? I love these tubes but they can be a little "etched." Your amps also spec 12AX7s. You might try putting them back in and reassessing the SQ.