
When you listen to music do you do other things, like read, exercise, work on a project, etc., or do you sit in the sweet spot and concentrate on the music playing?

Do you find you enjoy the music more when concentrating on it than you do when not? Or do you let the music wash over you as background sound?


I am always doing 4 to 7 things in the same time (nothing important or productive.) If I were just listening to music, people around me would think I am dead. 

Sweet spot and listening to all the different vocals and or instruments, along with the different parts of the songs. Of course, that's when I listen by myself. 

When I was a whole lot younger, I'd do other things, like reading, while music was playing. I can't do that anymore. When I listen to music, I listen to music. When I read, I read. The twain shall not meet and my brain is the happier for it.... 

Doing chores around the house -- vacuuming, cooking, etc., I’ll put on music that elevates my mood and energizes me -- Rock, typically. For years, I’ve brought a boom-box into the bathrooms and played Led Zep when scrubbing toilets, sinks and tubs, (with the door shut, that is. My wife abhors the sound of Plant’s voice).

I’ve experimented with writing while music is playing. I’ve found that this can actually free up the creative flow by distracting/occupying the left brain. This works only for the initial, "down-loading" step of the writing process. I find it’s counterproductive to try to revise/edit to music. I’ll also journal or write letters with music playing.

I’ll watch youtube videos of performances unavailable on CD. Naturally, this is a visual as well as auditory experience.

Then, of course, there are the times when I sit in the listening chair with the express intention of focusing solely on the music. I especially enjoy it when my wife joins me in this activity. We either listen to Jazz or various types of acoustic music in the Newgrass, Country, Singer-Songwriter, Folk or Americana genres on such occasions.

And, when I play guitar, I’m listening as well.

I don't see how anyone could read and listen to music at the same time, though.