Thinking of changing out my AT VM740ML Cartridge being I feel it’s a little bright. I like the transparency but would like just a “SLIGHT BIT” more warmth without it deadening the sound, so looking for recommendations.
Previous carts used:
Ortofon Super OM20 which I loved on a previous TT, just not compatible with my tonearm on my current turntable.
Ortofon 2MBlue - Did not last and like the OM20 better
Sumiko Moonstone - Way too dull sounding
Turntable is a EAT B Sharp and Currently using a Gold Note PH-10 Phono PreAmp with the external power supply, and even with it set to -3 dB on all the EQ settings still seems to be on the bright side.
I’d like to stick with MM, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.