Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?

I am thinking about getting a turntable but I have a Class D amplifier (Nad M33) which digitizes all the analog inputs. If the amplifier is just digitizing the source is there going to be any difference between the vinyl and just listening to lossless digital streaming sources? Is there any benefit to me, given my current amplifier with has no analog pass through capability, to adding a turntable to my system?


guys the misinformation here is staggering we are an nad dealer THE M33 DIGITIZES EVERY ANALOG SIGNAL INORDER TO BE ABLE TO USE Dirac


The amplifier type and design has nothing to do with it 

Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

Nad Masters Dealer







Relevant or irrelevant, @audiotroy is correct.

I was given the wrong information from another company that sells them.

It does indeed digitize all incoming analog signals.

Still shouldn't deter you from getting a turntable.

I wound up deciding to purchase a Rega 3 with an Ortofon 2MR Bronze cartridge which I was able to get from Music Direct at an attractive price. I was on the fence until my wife told me I had an additional 150 albums tucked away in a cabinet for 30 years that I had completely forgotten about - these in addition to the 100 I already knew I had. Arrives Saturday. Here we go.