@thecarpathian Thanks. That was Hudson Shepherd, a service dog I had for nearly 6 years having rescued him from a local (DC) shelter a 18 months. It’s been a year since I had to put him down due to canine myelodysplasia - like ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease. He helped me get over some PTSD. Loved kids. Never could eat a whole one though.
@silverfoxvtx1800 I liked those so much I bought a second set from another seller.They test well (I own a TV-7 D/U tester) and sound as good but I believe you said “warmth.” There’s just SOMEthing about the airy/soundstage from the lower gain (mu=20 max) tubes I prefer and I own a handful of matched pairs that just do it for me and my system.
Off-topic here but some good reading: