Bluesound Node versions SQ

For those of you with both the 130 and the 132 versions, have you tested the sound quality of just the streamer/transport section and how they sound compared to each other? I'm still streamer researching and wondering if there is a difference when these two units are connected to an outboard DAC. I was thinking if not, then I might consider the older 130 version as it's discounted and then the savings could be applied to an LPS upgrade kit.

I've also been reading that some owners have had issues using the Node's USB output with the Qutest..Thoughts on either subject is appreciated.


gkelly's avatar

I would put my money into a Node + LPS combo, no question.  This is one of the best bangs for the buck across all audio.  Adding the LPS will reveal much more and at the same time tighter bass.  It will take the SQ of the streamer up to that of the multi thousand dollar streamers.  


I can't speak to the stability of the USB output, I'm running coax to my DAC.  The Node+LPS combo is not below the level of your DAC.  I'm running a much more expensive DAC and it sounds very, very good.  I would take a look at the Teddy Pardo LPS, I've had zero issues after the conversion.  Good luck and cheers.

Good day to you, I really can understand your situation and being on a fixed income. I too am on a fixed income, damn life can be hard sometimes. I just take a different approach about settling. If I was in your shoes, I know we’re not, but we get our sandals from the same manufacturer. I would get a WIIM mini on Amazon. Then I would take the next 8 to 10 to 12 months save like it was going out of style. At this point take your blue sound money and the money saved and look at a INNUOS or Aurender product. Taking this path allows you to immediately enjoy listening to music. Then afterwards you get to have a crazy good experience that will be well worth the effort compared to just grabbing a blue sound and living.

@ironrick6 , I started with the Node 2 (not the i version) then moved to a Node 2 (N130) with a linear power supply.  The improvement is noticeable and I would encourage you to make this move as others have.  It is entirely possible that you'll be happy with this combination for a long time.

However, just this week I added a Chord Qutest to the same Node 2 (N130) with the linear power supply.  I'm still evaluating the addition of the Qutest and not quite ready to share my thoughts on it.