FOCAL speakers and NAIM electronics are the same company now .
No small wonder that your buddy suggested the pairing out of one or more of possible reasons:
-possible EZPZ convenience? Dunno
- possible limited audio brand experience …dunno again…,
, or just plain considerable personal bias simply cuz he likes them! but in total who cares now ?
But to carve out 50% of that bespoke synergy match he enjoys, and arbitrarily stapling it to your speakers and then selling it to you blindly was a gross disservice to you.
Resulting fix = a partial or full system replacement for you that is not insignificant to your wallet drain.
Yes, FOCAL with NAIM make a decent enough pairing IMO,….. but regardless, that duo combo never has and still does not stir my drink FWIW.This hobby is very personal journey with a “like” or “dislike” outcome that no post in this forum can predict for you,