The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.


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toddalin’s avatar


294 posts

The problem as I see it is that you can’t really compare the changes he makes because you can’t A/B them in real time with the before version.

And, anyone who spends a bunch of $$$ for a modification will have a bias toward it just because they did.

Well... unless you are me... the guy who sent Danny the Wilson Audio Duette speakers, which have their own external "Novel" crossover and a direct comparison can be made. You never know... you may see more about that someday. yes

Others have made some fairly nasty comments about Danny, resorting to talking about his hair. It’s laughable... because I know every single one of you have:

1) Never heard Danny’s speakers such that it would make you would spew the bile you are.

2) Never dealt with Danny Richie.

Danny is a stand up guy. I’ve sent him 3 pairs of speakers, including with Wilson Audio Duette and Merlin Music VSM. (Heresy!) I also think Danny would help himself by not giving birdseed on the ground for others by slagging so hard on bad designs, even if they are bad.

People want the Truth... unless you are talking about THEIR speaker / brand.

Maybe he should say... "This needs to be better" and that will be code for "This is junk".

The gnashing of teeth about speakers and how PERSONALLY some take it... it’s always gonna be a thing, I guess.

I have been in the room and watched Danny do this upgrade process. I watched him do the upgrade for the Merlin VSM.

Those of you who think you know and are talking about Danny’s hair or whatever...

Here’s the thing... I know that you don’t know what you’re talking about... and I’m chuckling at your words. You KNOW, I know you don’t know.

Just stop... you’re embarrassing yourselves and you are smarter people than that.

Oh, and for the "Wilson Owners" (remember, I am one) looking down your nose at all of this, thinking Danny it just scraping up crumbs and YOUR stuff is actually beyond reproach.

This is not a "price" thing... this is a "Performance" thing with GR Research / Danny.

"Wilson Owners" don’t buy GR Research stuff? You mean, "People who can afford to buy expensive things would not buy GR Research speakers." Really?

Well, I did...and I’ve also bought:

  • Ayre Acoustics KX-R Twenty Preamp
  • Ayre Acoustics MX-R Twenty monoblocks
  • Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty Digital Hub
  • On Monday, an order for Cardas Clear Reflection wire is going in.

Does that qualify as snob level gear... but I’m also doing "DIY"? Why?

It’s because many of you are getting PUNK’D by speaker companies with flowery prose, special names for stuff they use to make boxes for speakers, who don’t share measurements, and pot their crossovers so you can’t even see what you are buying.

Who’s conning who, exactly?

One thing is for sure... ignorance and a checkbook can buy Bliss...

I’ve been there, I’ve heard it, I’ve seen it...

I have found "It"... and many of you are still looking for "It".

Good Luck, the answer is right in front of you.

@jim2 ++   As previously mentioned I own diy modified Merlin VSM, Danny on right track with these as well.


At present another thread here in regard to people  offering 'expert' advice/knowledge of things they have no direct experience with. The 'experts' here are those who've availed themselves of Danny's services, the rest is conjecture or worse.


Seems like audio is a religion for some, criticize some equipment they own or is it believe in and you'll be called a heretic or worse.

"Others have made some fairly nasty comments about Danny, resorting to talking about his hair."

Why is it I poke a little harmless fun at his choice of hairstyles and I’m singled out as the poster boy for nastiness?? I’d write more concerning this travesty but I’m late for my mullet trimming appointment...