The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



@jim2 ++   As previously mentioned I own diy modified Merlin VSM, Danny on right track with these as well.


At present another thread here in regard to people  offering 'expert' advice/knowledge of things they have no direct experience with. The 'experts' here are those who've availed themselves of Danny's services, the rest is conjecture or worse.


Seems like audio is a religion for some, criticize some equipment they own or is it believe in and you'll be called a heretic or worse.

"Others have made some fairly nasty comments about Danny, resorting to talking about his hair."

Why is it I poke a little harmless fun at his choice of hairstyles and I’m singled out as the poster boy for nastiness?? I’d write more concerning this travesty but I’m late for my mullet trimming appointment...


The occasional quip is just fine. On this particular thread, I think that this was a thread with a very interesting subject....and it deteriorated into too much off topic, and lost the value that it should have had


Recently there was a thread about some abysmally stupid statement YouTuber Rick Beato made in an effort to ingratiate himself with his geriatric audience. A lively discussion ensued, and not once did I mention his terrible sideburns. You can do it man!!