Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers

So, I am getting rid of the wife (divorce, I am not burying her in the backyard!) and can now get big floor standing speakers. I currently have a Luxman integrated and model 30 Harbeth speakers, and a very good sub. Very neutral/natural sound, can listen for long sessions. But I don't get a very good image, and it seems a little too laid back. I listen mainly to singer-song writers, both male and female. Lots of acoustic/piano.

There are so many floor standers now, I'd like to shorten the list. Any suggestions to start my search? I am located in southern CA, so I can listen to almost any brand. Price should be under $100K. 

I may lose a wife, but so far the freedom/cash is worth it.

Thanks all!



I would suggest you find a girlfriend, or several, who have floor standing speakers.  Win, win, win.

After my 1st marriage fell through the drain (no death no until part crap n all..), I got more tactical. I threw big house parties in a house filled with gear and scanned the party persons pool with more scrutiny.... looked to see if such an environment felt like a natural habitat to some or what.

Eventually, I discovered a rare bird at a very loud concert, who thought the sight of all that PA gear was ’memerizing’..can’t be real i thought at the moment......Needless to say, all the gear n my house looked mesmerizing to that bird as well...that is coming up on 25 years ago now. Hence, I am still married this time.

The right bird for anyone could be out there, if you are a bit more tactical with the scanner.

While you are researching your high end speakers, in the meantime get an inexpensive pair of Magnepan LRS+ and maybe a second subwoofer. 

 These will give you a massive soundstage and great imaging.

+1 Volti Vittora’s if you have $50K to spend.  Greg Roberts is a pleasure to work with.