@atmasphere decooney Isn’t it more about the sound rather than the class of operation?
Great question and I use to think so. Now I’m not quite certain any more. I was exposed to new doors through a local tech friend who use to work for Threshold. He’s still repairing and upgrading amps. Past 45 year most of my SS amps were all formerly Class A/AB. My current SS amp was re-configured last summer from Class A/AB 180w to pure Class A 50w, transformer retapped and circuit reconfigurations and such as strongly recommended. I went for it. Glad i did.
Pure Class A now, same amp reconfigured I notice the following benefits in pure Class A for whatever reasons.
1. Smoother sound, a little more texture
2. Better separation of instruments. Oddly closer to tube in a way
3. New layering is present I do not recall hearing prior
4. More to the bottom end it seems, not imagining this
5. Weighs less now, easier to lift - just kidding, lol.
I like this reconfigured SS amp so much i now want to try the same but in pure class A monos. This is what I’m going off of. I still have my other mono tube amps that i rotate in/out.