A cable too perfect?

I recently acquired an Audionet AMP 1 v2 that only accepts RCA single ended connections. Since all my cabling was balanced, I had to start looking for replacements for my Acoustic Zen Matrix Reference II's. Of course I could just get an RCA pair of those, as I like the sound, but I thought I would take the opportunity to check out some other options. I also thought I would start on the lower end cost-wise. I had some old Audioquest RCA's laying around and used those to start. And I bought some low cost Acoustic Zen WOW's to tide me over. And then on to Stager Silver Solids, I like these, but I don't think I love them. I also bought some Neotech cable and connectors and I am working on building a set.

But then, my dream cables showed up at a significant bargain, Acoustic Zen Absolute Copper! I was quite excited to add these to my system, and they replaced the Stager silver cables. Well, to say the difference was striking is not sufficient. The level of clarity and detail is amazing, and the soundstage is excellent. At first I thought they were kind of bright, but that is not the case, I think it is just the extreme clarity. A friend came over and he did not think they were bright either.

So, the problem, I don't find them engaging. It is possible the sound is a bit on the lean side. Everything is there, but there does not be a sum to the parts that is the music, yet I think they are absolutely accurate. It is slightly better if I turn it up, but I don't tolerate higher volumes for long, and value a system that sounds good at lower volumes. I prefer a bit of warmth, although I like to term it as a "richer" sound. 

They have only been in place for a few days, so I will give them a bit more time. I know the answer, "try something else", but curious if others have run into such stark contrasts and is this what I can expect at the higher end of the cable world?

Suggestions for alternatives that might suit my needs are welcome, if you have actually tried them, and you believe that cables make a difference.


@zlone Did you find one of your other RCA cables that you tried to be engaging?

Is it possible that it's your new amp?

Blisshifi states the Audionet amps are warm and rich biased, and others also have nice things to say about them, now I’m really confused:

Perhaps that older AZ RCA is defective? I know you said it has amazing detail, but like Audphile1 is saying which is my memory of them also, a lack of bass is not in AZ vocabulary- something doesn’t add up. Good news is you got them from TMR so it would be easy to exchange. 

"Audionet is exceptional every step of the way, but it prioritizes a rich tonal density and balance (that many electronics manufacturers can only dream of achieving) over microdynamics and detail."



Another vote for Cardas Clear and Beyond. Tried the Reflection, it did not have the same magic IMHO. Found the reflection a little flat with my equipment (Pass, Moon, Harbeth).

The sound is starting to fill in with more time on the cables. I am now confident that these cables will be very good after another week of play. I will report back once they have had more time. I have just never had a cable sound so different, and uncharacteristic of the electronics, after a couple of days of sustained play, which is why I posted the original comment. 

@mclinnguy I believe the characterizations of Audionet that you posted are accurate. I have been quite smitten with their pre/amp, enough to sell my Pass/Coda combination.

@audphile1 As I mentioned, things are coming around, and the Audionet sound I have come to love is starting to show through again. 

Thanks everyone for all your comments. I will keep you posted.



I went through something similar when I installed my Silversmith Audio Fidelium speaker cables.  It took a while to adjust to the additional clarity, detail, and tighter bass.  

If you want to try another inexpensive cable for grins, I just bought a Graham Slee AgSat90 interconnect.  Hooked it up last night.  A little over $200.  Had to buy it from a UK seller on eBay.  I can't believe how stinking good it is.