Power supply for ethernet switch?

Hi, All,


LOVING my DENAFRIPS Hermes/Pontus combo! WOW what a difference adding the Hermes made. I could not have been even hopeful for the improvement this made!


I just bought the TP Link TL-SG105 Ethernet Switch. I have been contemplating so many different paths here, including the setup from Small Green Computer with the Optical Module, power supply, etc. Very intriguing. But that's a little expensive and a lot of added wires,components, etc. I was also looking at the Silent Angel Bonn N8 switch...Would love to get some opinions on just adding a power supply to my new TP Link switch or would one of the other paths mentioned above be better?


If adding a power supply to the TP Link would be a worthwhile improvement, any recommendations, maybe even the 5V power supply from Small Green Computer?

Thanks in advance for your time and advice😊


@mclinnguy  Thanks for chiming in, The Symphony does have its own power supply, but I am using an AQ power cable from the power supply into my Furman Elite PC. It did improve sound for sure, but I'm thinking if I add the switch and the SGC setup it'll just be too much...


@mgrif104 That is super helpful-thank you! Read a few blurbs and they say it's actually measurable. I have read and researched so much on this. It seems it's 50/50 on whether it makes an improvement or not. Good discussions. Like I had said I needed to add a switch anyway and of course (like literally everything in this hobby) I came across a whole can of worms and followed it down the rabbit hole🤣🤣


I've read the article and am none the wiser about what it actually claims to be measuring!  I found the dog's breakfast of wires in one of the photos illuminating.

If it is measuring jitter in the ethernet, be aware that all ethernet data has to be fed into a big data buffer before being re-clocked out again, so jitter on the ethernet side becomes irrelevant. 

@kingbr You're most welcome. You can always add the Silent Angel Bonn N8 switch later when your budget allows. I get the most satisfaction in building my system gradually, backed by doing extensive research and diving deeper into the rabbit hole. 




I’m aware of how the data is handled. However, I’ll just go back to what I posted:

“Some will still disagree or remain skeptical about 30 picosends of timing error being audible. So be it. But I would suggest that it’s no longer worth arguing over. It can be measured and some of us hear the improvement.”


E-net switches do not use a lot of power, demand stay around the same regardless of what is being passed through it.  If it was a POE switch, then a power supply would make sense. But on a regular couple port switch, don't think it's worth the time and money. 

With a cheap switch, it should not be plugged in with your stereo. I'm sure the cheap switches have no noise rejection protection, generally electrical noise is not a concern with switches. Not only that, but the way the switch works, it will not transfer power noise to ethernet. 

Ethernet is not a audio signal, it's digital packets.