I emailed James Tanner from Bryston last month about getting a 3rd MD ST-2 antenna. He immediately forwarded my request to maybe the old VP of MD. I heard a few comments about getting on my request and then silence.
Then a tech support contacted by from another channel (web site support) and tells me a new version is coming out by the end of January and the prior guy had no knowledge. Not sure if they are working in the same office since there is some disconnect in the feedback. I am only referring to MD NOT Bryston.
The MD Tuners are excellent. I have the MD 108T. However, 2 vintage tuners I own are amazing too. A Sansui TU990 (very good) and a turbo charged Accuphase T-101 (great). The Sansui is not used since I need a 3rd antenna. Both vintage tuners cost a lot less than the MD-108T. I doubt I get the MD 108T if I had owned the vintage tuners first.