Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”…..Part 1: I have a plan

Again, I want to thank the many many members who provided their thoughts and insights to my original post on this subject!!  The problem is (and its a good problem) you all provided a LOT of advice and recommendations; many diverse, some corroborating, and some conflicting options.  I did a lot of reading on several of the integrateds y’all suggested and PM’d a few of you to better understand your thoughts.  There are a lot of really smart people who support this Agon forum!!  I have a lot more knowledge now, thank you  

Which leads to the Plan:

1. Before spending up to $8,000 (my not yet wife approved budget) I need to confirm I can actually hear the sound qualities I’m missing in my current system.  Having a 68 year old hearing system with tinnitus, this is a real question for me.

2. I’ve booked a room at the Schaumburg Hyatt for the upcoming AXPONA; a 9hr drive from Huntsville AL. 

3. I’ve never attended an audio show, but its been on my bucket list for the past 5 years, so I’ll kill 2 birds with one stone (roadtrip)!

4. I realize that audio shows aren't the optimum listening environment, but if I can hear the sound qualities I’m missing there at the show; then game on identifying an integrated amp that will bring me closer in my system which will be Part 2 of the Plan 😀

5. I’ll start Part 2 there at the show listening to as many systems with integrateds in my price range (I’m fine with buying used and will factor that in to which amps I listen to).  Yes, the associated equipment in the chain and the environment will be different than mine, but it will be a great place to start!!

And that’s part of the fun of this hobby/obsession (at least for me); planning and starting the next journey!


Driving to AXPONA….That’s a good plan even though the room conditions aren’t always ideal. Listening to variety of components within your budget will help narrow your choices. Many exhibitors have private sessions after show hours, try to attend those for more intimate listening.

And then there are many dealers who would allow home auditions. That’s the best way to decide on your final purchase. Good luck!

Amps are a bit harder to audition under show conditions, however I think that your plan is solid. I attended AXPONA last year and while the easiest thing to audition at a show is speakers, there were some component manufacturers that stood out. Audia Flight, Audionet and Vinnie Rossi (Brama) all stood out to me. 

AXPONA is a lot of fun, regardless of whether you find your dream amp, it will not be a wasted trip.

Great plan. I am sure you understand the limitations of noisy environments. But you are doing exactly the right thing and should move you logically towards your goal.

If I or someone have not recommended this book... it'll give you some great info and perspective. The Complete Guide to High End Audio by Robert Harley. Perfect prep for the show.

Take a look at a Pass Labs INT-25 or INT-60. Used would save you lot of money.