What does your Virtual System page say about you? 

I was browsing through virtual systems today, and noticed three major categories:

  1. People who list their components from speakers to source(s)
  2. People who list their components from source(s) to speakers
  3. People who appear to have a hodgepodge of equipment listed

I would hypothesize that people in group #1 belong to the "speakers first" school of system design, and people in group #2 are "source first".

Are the people in group #3 indifferent? Disorganized? Or listed their equipment in either "speakers first" or "source first" order initially, but as their systems evolved, removed things they sold and then tacked new acquisitions to the end of the list?

If you find yourself groups 1 or 2, can you confirm or refute the hypothesis?

If you are in group 3, what's your methodology? Did your system evolve over time? Or is the listing order just not important to you?

Not sure there are any deep psychological implications, but I was just curious.

(Yes, I know I don't have a virtual system listed. I am currently moving too frequently to get a setup I'm not embarrassed to photograph; I will add a virtual system listing hopefully near the end of this year)


I started source to speakers as that's the direction signal flows but as I added stuff later I just tacked it on at the end.

Chaos theory….with some top quark spin

i am in the transducers matter most camp… and have been for 50 years…..

I guess mine is hodge podge. I listened them in order of what occurred to me. I think it simply mean I am not anal retentive. 


OP, Get out your phone and take a photo, post in the virtual system area. Takes only a minute. you can post a new photo with each change. It would be fun to watch. 

#2 Source first, where the signal to the rest of your system begins.
But whatever your system, it could be helpful to the rest of us for you to list it. If nothing more than for curiosity’s sake.