Anyone Know the Band Playing on T-Mobile Commercial?

Singer kind of sounds like Rod Stewart. Got a really nice guitar riff.

I just can't place and driving me nuts. Thanks


Thanks, but I don't use my phone for this kind of activity, only computer.

I wouldn't go through this hassle but it's a cool song and, by now, I'm sort of obsessed.

That's too bad, because Shazam would be able to identify the song in just a few seconds,

You can install the Shazam app, use it to identify the song, then uninstall it. 


I heard another commercial using this song (a cover actually) and the singers triggered my memory. Plugged the words into YouTube and, BINGO!

From 1990: Jesus Jones - Right here, right now

Patience is a virtue.

Wish I'd heard the commercial a few years ago, I could have helped - I know that song really well, they used to play it all the time back then on our 'alternative' station in San Francisco...