Best Dac for Jadis Defy and JPL combo?

I have started upgrading my system again and I am going to try and have some patience with my next purchase. I am trying to see what other Jadis owners are using for their dacs.

Right now I am thinking of a major redesign of my main system. I have a good start with Jadis Defy 7 mkII and a JPL preamp.

I have tried a few dacs lately, but nothing has really blown me away. I have tried a Weiss Dac 2, Musical Fidelity TriVista 21, Bryston BD1 and a Valab non oversampling dac.

I have been developing certain beliefs about these dacs and seem to prefer non over sampling dacs more than any other.

What I want to do this my time is to find out what other Jadis owners are using and why.

At this time, I am not using any phono sources, only a Teac VRDS 10 and a Mac Mini. I have a preference for the music server for its ease on use and interesting features. I also own Amarra Software with the key.

So, I am hoping to hear from folks that have a dac that supports toslink, but that is not mandatory. I also own a device that can convert usb to digital coax, but I have not played with that too much yet.

Anxiously awaiting your responses....
I used an Audio Logic 2400 DAC with my JPL, and use that and an EMM Labs DCC2SE with my current Jadis preamp (JP200), enjoy them all very much. If you were to get an early Jadis JS1 DAC it would be similar (same designer).

One thing you should consider with the JPL is that it has an extra tube in the CD input stage. I would try using any DAC or CD player through the Tape In input before making any final decisions. I found that the CD input on the JPL softened the sound a little too much for my tastes. YMMV, of course.
Thanks RC..
That is good info on the CD input. I will see what difference it makes on my system.
Just out of curiosity, are you running any computer files into your system?
I run a Nova Physics Memory Player through the EMM Labs DAC, closest I come to computer files (the player is really a computer, pretty much). Don't have a normal computer setup near the audio system.
I just started rolling a few 12ax7 into it. I know the JPL came in with some worn out tubes. I live near Brent Jesse who I buy my tubes from, so I will be calling him in the morning.
Do you mind if I ask which 12ax7 and 12au7 you had the best sound with in the JPL?