NSFW pop ups. C'mon Audiogon, get it together.

Was just looking at a forum post, and to the upper right was a VERY inappropriate NSFW image directing me to a photography site. WTF!

I guess we can only view Audiogon from home now. Be careful folks.

Why can’t we have nice things?


I don't know. Sometimes the ads can be very helpful when making a purchase.

I am giving these out to guests at a dinner party tomorrow night.

Personally I appreciate the porn like ads, how else would I learn what MILF stands for?

Agreed. The ads are super inappropriate. 


If the Brave app is used the ads dont show up. Funny thing is sometimes the Audiogon pages wont load on Brave and will crash the Brave app. Only happens to me when on Audiogon. Not a great sign….

The sidebar ads can run from "WTF ’is’ That, and WyTH should I want it?" through Medium Interest Life Forms (besides a nice distraction in it’s way)....

I’m allowed to look as long as I don’t drool or get grabby.....