Interesting that he is not a big advocate but says he has heard the difference. I do understand if they are made in such a way that it's intended to be used one way or the other, that it may be more important. It is also interesting to note that he says wire should be used to coincide with the way it was extruded. Most of us will never know how it was made. His suggestion to listen and see if you can hear a difference, makes some sense. If there is anything to it in those cases (IC's without arrows), maybe we just solved how the wire was extruded. I'd be surprised if I can hear that difference but I'll sure try it. Unlike most people, I like to be proven wrong as it means that I got to learn something. I still question burn in with cables as this suggests that they will change with use. I'm pretty skeptical on that but there are folks who claim to hear them change so, who knows.Thanks for all the comments.