Does a good power conditioner reduce need for power supply upgrade?

Would like to hear Agoner’s opinion on this topic.  It appears to me that power conditioning as a part of power distribution role for your whole system, and high end external power supplies designed to either replace and beef up internal linear supplies (e.g. Naim approach) or to replace cheap switching wall warts or internal supplies supporting a single piece of equipment have a similar function, that being to reduce noise without restricting current.

Interested in what you think.


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@sns I would be interested in any insights or specific information you can provide on how power supply and power conditioners purposes are unique.  I have a vague idea, but would like to understand more.  I know power supplies typically convert AC to DC and provide the right voltage and current for the device, but also have some power conditioning functions too.  That is about the extent of my knowledge. 

It still is very good to upgrade to a  decent LPS power supplies especially at the starting points 

for example get rid of the noisy wall wart a $10 piece of junk to the router That just adds more noise.

Like so many things in this hobby there appears to be no simple answer to power conditioning. And apparently there are various types of power problems that can be addressed.

my goto reference for this is live testing done by alpha audio which you can watch where they both subjectively and objectively show that different conditioning devices work better in some situations better than others and in some devices better than others and ‘conclude’ that the results are situation dependent and you must try the specific devices in their intended places to know if or how much they will help.

I live in an older apartment building in a neighborhood with lots of old homes being torn down and replaced with condos (cash registers). Even before the gentrification of the neighborhood, the power was iffy, maybe once every several months I'd experience a brownout and even rarer, a blackout. 

With all the new construction, there's been too many times that the power would go out and having my AQ Niagara 1200 in front of my gear provided protection as well as piece of mind. Those brownouts would cause flickering and surges as it came back on. Not good for anything plugged in. Getting something passive, like the AQ, wouldn't hurt. It clamps down when necessary and doesn't limit current. I don't see or hear any downsides.

All the best,