What are the absolute legendary Snell model no.s?

If I wanted the Audio Note sound or just a bl@@dy good used Snell speaker for a mid sized room what are the absolute legendary Snell model no.s?  Thanks for your time


I have had many pairs of Snell Type "A" speakers over the years. I still have, but have not used in several years, a pair of the obscure Snell Type "A5" Reference speakers. These are the tall slim speakers with outboard crossover units. Kimber supplied the heavy umbilical harnesses to connect the crossover boxes to the speakers. Unlike other Type "A" speakers, these taller slender units use the DR. D'Apolito design of a tweeter placed in between two midrange drivers. He joined the design team after Peter Snell passed away. The speakers sold in the mid 90's for about $20K a pair ad not many were made before Boston Acoustics bought the company and canceled the program. Then below that are two bass drivers. The crossover boxes allow for biamping and for a multitude of adjustments. I used these in my system for quite a few years with a Mark Levinson Model 27.5 amp driving the midranges and tweeters, with a Mark Levinson Model 23 driving the woofers. Feeding all of that was a two chassis Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 tube preamp. I still have all of this gear sitting aside in my listening room unused. If anyone wants the speakers, PM me and we can work something out. They are truly something special.


I liked the A/III and the big version of the Type B.  The bass on the Type B was a bit much, but it was a lively sounding speaker.  At least this is how I remember these speakers which I have not heard in a long while.

As a young guy I owned Snell C2 bought from a friend in my office who was into audio. The light oak finish was beautiful, sadly my wife did not agree so after 15 years I sold them and cobbled together Canton 9K Reference stand mounted and SVS subs. She should have left well enough alone and so should I.