How much is too much. Does it matter as long as you get the sound that you seek. I thought I would never have an expensive system as I do now. When I started I would have never thought to put this much into audio. But I have and I’m happy with my sound. Thoughts? 


Why would anyone care what someone, who you don’t know, spends on a Hifi system and why would someone feel compelled to criticize them for making a personal decision to spend a little or a lot? 
Doesn’t seem healthy 

Of course, the question is relative to one's finances.  However,  I've always found it ironic that as we get older and have more disposable income, we can afford to purchase more expensive audio gear, while our hearing is no longer as good as it was when we were younger; back when we could have  more easily heard the improvements that a better system offers. 

As I have aged (turning 64 soon), my adio hobby/passion has taken on a greater importance to me. Due to three knee surgeries, two joint replacements and a fusion in one foot, a rebuilt shoulder, and arthritis throughout, I no longer run, or play tennis. I'm extremely fortunate to be able to play golf at the level I do and we are club members, and our home backs up to a course in coastal SC. So, on most nice days I am playing golf or going to the beach. When its too hot, too cold, or too wet, I am in my "music room" spinning LP's or streaming. I'm very fortunate that my lovely wife shares these passions with me and has never batted an eyelash at what I have spent, or am spending on audio gear or golf related items. 

Sky should be the limit for a toilet paper roll too.

For a long time now, some charlatans have been trying to claim that the price of 3 dumb drivers in a box can be a million dollars somehow...he’ll do "r&d" apparently to make the soundstage stretch to the sky. A piece of wire costs 100k somehow with these charlatans.

If it works for 3 dumb drivers in a box and some wire, a toilet paper roll (fancy one) should cost a million too, why not?

"IF YOU ARE RICH, WHY NOT?", said the charlatan. He must think rich people are stupid as doorknob stoopid. Some of the rich ones got rich because they were way smarter than you charly/charlito... try harder.