MrTennis, where and when can we see your review of the oppo 83 special Edition. Thanks.
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- 11 posts total
I don't really like tube buffers. I've tried the Musical Fidelity X-10 some years ago and hated it. Transparency is very important for a buffer and the last thing you need is an active gear that distorts your music even more. On the other hand, I like the Burson buffer. I saw a used one selling here before. .. |
Wpines Pointless, especially since you have a preamp section with tone controls built in use them if you wish even though its not the "Purist" approach, but you own the preamp with the controls in the first place. Beyond that a Good DAC "tube or solid state" would be a better investment. Unless you have to have SACD passing the signal in which case not many DAC's will work for you unless your using the HDMI into a home theater receiver. Oh and I own the Oppo BDP 83 with a hot-rodded custom built DAC, and yes it is a far better investment than trying to modify or use bandaids. The oppo is an excellent transport and will hold value as it stands. A Good power cord can also make a difference more so than trying to run the analog signal thru another buffer device. If you mess with the sound just use your EQ built into the mcintosh adding more cables and non-sense in the signal in your case is a losing situation. Good luck |
- 11 posts total