Used tube preamps, Cary, AR, Aesthetix, Wells...........or?

Having searched over the last year or so for a different preamp, I have been attracted to the Cary SLP 98 more times than not but I know it has many different incarnations and this seems to be important. The one I put an offer on is 8 years old and no upgrades are known. No real idea how this compares with others. The deal is by no means a lock. They have plenty of others that I would consider.

I have also found an AR Reference Mk II. It is 10 years old so not sure if that is good or bad but I'm sure it would be one that I would enjoy. It has a choice of xlr and rca for every connection. Only one I know of like this, at least in my searches. It is also designed to drive two amps, so is the Cary but the Cary is only set up this way with rca connections. I have never used balanced circuitry even though I've had it as an option. Most of what I've read says that you gain 6 db in gain. Is that the only advantage or is that even an advantage? I for one, do not know.

I have also found Aesthetix, both Rhea and Calypso. The Rhea is more in my price range but used, either is a possibility. They get mentioned here and there. Not sure what to think.

Another find is a Wells Audio Commander Level 2 Class? 2. No idea on these. Not heard anyone speak on them. 

Yet another has been the Dodd, battery powered unit. Haven't heard much but the ones who have them, say their search is over. Interesting. Happy to hear from anyone with any experience on these or others. I know there are tons to choose from but many are difficult to find as well. 

I bought several different preamps that were supposed to be "bargain finds" but none lived up to the one I'm trying to replace. If I'd been smart, I would have been more patient and put all my eggs in one basket instead of fooling around with all the others. It has been an interesting journey, just the same and I now have several pieces to sell or trade. Not necessarily a good thing but as I say, it's been an interesting journey and I have more to go. Thanks for any and all input.



@billpete ...There seems to be a group who does not like it and another that does.


You can find a differing position on the internet for just about anything if you look hard enough. And people typically like what they have when they own it at the beginning. You can find posts by the same person two years later after they sold it and share what the did not like about it. You have to try things in your system to know if you like it or not. One person likes something better or worse than the next person.

Unless others have all the exact same components and room size/shape you do, it’s a crapshoot at best. Next comes your ears and preferences. You can get general ideas when someone is comparing A vs. B, and take that with a grain of salt. Go listen in different places if you can. Thats more fun and helpful to get ideas. Also you'll see certain groups of components paired up together that people have found experimenting prepping for shows and audio showrooms and such.  


Yes, I sort of guessed it was a figure of speech. :) Thanks for narrowing it down though. Thangs likely changed a lot for AR from the 80's to now. I just don't really get the opportunity to hear anything other than my own system. It's likely 3 to 4 hours in any direction for me to find a high end store..........or even a store that sells any decent audio equipment. I have to trust what I read here and elsewhere. When something gets a lot of good revues (not paid revues), it gets my attention. The more good that I hear about it, the more I become interested in something.


See my above response. There really is nowhere anywhere near me to have a listen. I am 3 hours plus from St Louis, Kansas City, midway between the two. I retired here from IL 12 years ago. Lots of choices back there but it is now 6 hours away. Des Moines is 4 plus hours, might be something there. Quincy IL is an hour or so, could be something there? Don't know. I'm getting old (72), don't relish driving so much anymore. 

I do have the opportunity to buy from places like Music Direct, The Music Room and probably others where the opportunity to listen to something and return if I don't like it, is a possibility. I did this once a few years ago with a phono preamp. I think it was Musical Surroundings, no idea what model. I can't even be sure it was Musical Surroundings but I think so. Was a store demo, can't remember if it was 1200 bucks, down from 1600 or if it was 1600 down from 2k, just don't remember for sure. I was trying to see if I could go back to all SS and it didn't fit my needs at all. Maybe I didn't give it a fair shake, didn't have something set right but I tried everything with it and just found that all the detail I had with the Cary, including bass extension, high frequency response and just plain overall "detail", was lost. I sent it back.

@billpete - totally understand. Thanks for the added context about the situation. Well, the old buy / demo / keep-or-return thing works too and how many go about this. I buy from the places you mentioned and the few returns I’ve made, never had any issues. If you do decide to retrace the Cary path, the 98s come up from time to time. I enjoy mine, bought it new, and use it for my tube monoblocks and SS amps both, fwiw.