I've spent the bulk of my audiodefiled past attempting to counter spaces that defied reasonable attempts to 'cure issues' with varied results. Since most were rented, anything beyond the 'not all that simple' quick tricks (toe in/out, space between/from back wall, height, tilt, etc.) would yield varied degrees of satisfaction or just relative tolerance of the situation.
In the 2 'owned' spaces, what imho and ears did the better outcome was room eq to the best attainable of FLAT, tweaked to taste.
Back in the '80's, an Audio Control eq with it's dinky calibrated mic and much darting around with the latter managed to get a handle on the response.
Later, my 1st Behringer eq which came with DRC and 100 memories with its' mic made the process less of a hurdle; L, R. and L+R allowed one to tame the tones and blend a mem setting or blur a pair together...improved but still a tad short in a world of random room profiles ... *laugh* ....
I now own 2 of them, and a 2nd matching mic is pending shortly....
That, REW, tone generators, sndpeek, and a raft of other online apps and display types allows analysis side by sides....but currently in yet again...not mine....ours.
Room Rodeo Response : Ignore the room, concentrate on the field within....
...and don't go all Dolby over it.... ;)
Rest of the time I just enjoy wherever the current plateau I'm at...
But, given the situation to do such, I'd still restart with the space first, knowing what i've read here and thereabouts..
Thanks, y'all. 👍