I recently faced a similar decision in an even larger room with 20ft ceilings and slightly wider dimensions, while considering the Amati Homage versus the Serafino G2. I had the chance to listen to the Amatis powered by the McIntosh MC1.25KWs. While they certainly had impact, I found the low end to be loose, tubby, and not as well-controlled or musical as I preferred. Although the store didn’t have the Serafinos, they did have the Olympica Nova Vs. I found these to be much better controlled, though slightly inferior in the high end. The Amatis were clearly superior in the mid/high, where the Olympicas were just so much more refined and controlled (but still powerful) in the bass.
For me, the Serafino G2s struck the perfect balance, especially when paired with a set of 12" JLAudio E-Subs. I’ve been enjoying this new setup for about two weeks and couldn’t be happier. It fills the room beautifully with refined control, delivering the intrinsic Sonus faber sound signature that initially drew me to the brand.