How often do you upgrade turntable ?

The table itself, not arm or cartridge.

And when you do, how far do you go ? Big steps, small steps ?

I got my Nottingham Spacedeck more than ten years ago and have no intention to replace it. I would have to jump high for the upgrade to make sense. One day perhaps.


Got an LP60 and upgraded to a Uturn almost instantly. Kept that for about 2 years, and then moved up to a Mofi Ultradeck. Coming up on 7 years with that table, and just got a Hana ML so I suppose I’ll keep it for a few more years. 

I’m mostly drawn to belt drive tables, particularly from VPI and a few others. But I think my next table will be the 1200G, unless they make something more interesting before I move forward. As much as I’m drawn to the romance and upgrade options with other options, the near zero maintenance of the Technics will likely satisfy me longer term. 

After 14 years of using a mediocre Audio Technica LP120 with the stock cartridge, I upgraded to Rega P3 with an Exact 2 cartridge about 3 years ago. Considering, that I'm not DJing and listening for pleasure only, I'm extremely pleased with my current setup. If anything, I'd dip my toes into the MC arena first before upgrading the deck. I'm not one to cycle through upgrades - both because I don't have the disposable income or desire to churn through equipment but because I haven't felt the need to.

Maybe, I'll entertain an alternate setup like the Technics 1200 for swapping cartridges for fun once I get my listening library/den built in a few years.  But will keep the P3 as well. 

I upgraded my turntable about every 5 years starting out when I was young.  As my disposable income increased I upgraded.  Stopped upgrading when CDs came out and then I started upgrading CD players.  Now I mostly stream and have updated my DACs and streamers.  I find the time to upgrade has shortened as the technology in music listening has evolved.  

I had no idea that in 2003 when I upgraded from a Michell Gyrodec / Rega arm to a Basis 2500 w/ Basis Vector 4 arm & an Art Audio Vinyl One Phono Amp that I would never buy another one! The Basis was amongst some of the very best available back then & the new version ( virtually unchanged) is still considered about as good as you get for under $20K. Two cartridges & belts later, still sounds excellent & now that I’m also streaming quite a bit & I’m past middle age, that will be it. It was a great purchase & I couldn’t be more pleased with it. 

First was a Realistic in 1972, don't remember the model but full auto. No doubt was some version of a Shure cartridge, got me by for a year. I got reassigned to Germany and sold my system to an army buddy. I used to stack the albums on it. Terrible idea. It didn't take me long to figure it out but still trashed a few in the learning process.

Got out of the army in 1975 and bought my second stereo. Included a Pioneer PL 12 D and Shure V15III. It moved around my family and my nephew was still using it last I knew. A lot of people still talk about these as being one of the sleepers. Certainly not high end but a decent performer for cheap. I think it was $89, new. The V15III was around $100. I just bought another one recently, used for around $200. Funny how that stuff goes. 

Nest (mid 80's) was a Yamaha Linear tracking. P3? or something like that. Had a Signet cartridge,don't remember the model. Wasn't bad but started to act up, would stick or hang up. I sold it to a buddy who thought he could fix it. I think his son still has it. 

I moved on to THE AR, used from Ebay, came with a Sumiko Talisman S. The guy had no idea how to ship a turntable, left the cartridge on and it got trashed. I have purchased 3 used TT's off of Ebay and every one of them has shipped the same idiotic way and each one trashed a cartridge. I am rather shocked by this as these people claim to know what they are doing. Anyway, I am currently using the AR with a Sumiko Talisman S that belongs to my son. 

My best rig is now getting quite old. VPI HW 19 III with SME IV arm and usually with Fidelity Research FR1 MK III F, LOMC. This would be the best cartridge that I own and it is also getting old. I bought it as NOS, 20 years or so ago. I actually bought 2 of them but sold one to a buddy who I bought the VPI from. I probably should have just kept both but at least my friend got to enjoy it. As far as I know, he still uses it but he swaps many cartridges. Not so easy on the SME and part of why he sold it. Anyway, as I said, I'm currently back using the old AR as the bearing went out on the VPI. I've swapped it back to the original bearing and spindle just haven't put it back in the system yet. Looking into getting the upgraded bearing replaced. I think VAS does it. 

Other than a few odds and ends Sansui 929, Micro Seki and a Lenco, these have been my main TT's over a 50+ year period. I still own half a dozen or so and have done some fiddling around with a few of them since the VPI went down. Several cartridge swaps, all old stuff. Been kind of fun. With a new (new to me) tube preamp coming soon, it will soon be time to get the VPI back up and running. Still enjoying vinyl since growing up with it from 1952 to present. It still puts a smile on my face and even sometimes a tear in my eye. Good stuff.