DAC recommendation for DSD input

Hello-- 80% of my listening is streaming local DSD (64-256) files via Roon. My current system is Roon Core on an iMac Pro making its way to a Sonore Optical Rendu which is connected, via USB to the DAC in my Hegel H390 integrated which feeds Magico A3 speakers and a pair of REL S/510 subs.. There is nothing at all objectionable to my current system, nonetheless, I am wondering if an external DAC might be an improvement over the H390's DAC and if that is a worthwhile spend.  I am space constrained so I must stick with an integrated (pre+amp), but do have space for a DAC and the Rendu system.

I have spent hours researching many of the newer and older DACS, including the cheaper "Chifi" DACS (Topping, Gustard R26 and X26iii),  T+A 200 DAC, PS Audio Direct Stream MKi2 and Mola Mola Tambaqui (used) and other DACs in-between (Denefrips Pontus and Terminator, Holo May, Wyred for Sound 10th anniversary, etc).  

I would rather spend $5k-$10K for a significant improvement as opposed to  $1K-$4K for no or a slight improvement. My hope is for more resolution, more musicality, less high frequency fatigue, tighter bass.  Is it unrealistic to expect that an external DAC will bring a significant improvement?

My system is in a decent room, but there is little to no choice in speaker placement or room treatment opportunities.

I have a chance to audition the T+A 200 DAC and the Direct Stream MK2.  In a previous system, I had an MSB Discrete stack which was nice, but I'm not sure that would be the worth the cost today.

What type of DAC (chip based, FPGA, R2R, OS/NOS) is more structured to DSD input?  I've almost ruled out R2R, but could be mistaken?  The deeper I look, the more confused I get.  

Thanks for any recommendations or advice.




Thank you for telling of your experience with the H390. I am trying to avoid the idea that spending more equals improvement. I think I will demo the T+A soon.

I see this as a bilateral problem.  The H390’s DAC is respectable but can be improved upon.  However, improvements to your server/streaming setup may provide greater impact.  Let me attempt to explain.  Your budget will permit purchasing a near world class preowned DAC that coverts native DSD such as a DCS Bartok, Bricasti M1, AR DAC 9, and the Mola Mola Tambaqui, as will as the T&A you mentioned.  The latter two are may favs and I went with the Tambaqui.  All have a different SQ so you need to read the press and audition to determine which suits your taste.  All will be an improvement in detail, timbre, dynamics, staging, imaging, etc., but you will need to determine is the level of change justifies the spend.  It is MHO that you may get a more significant change going to a dedicated server/streamer like a preowned Grimm or Aurender.  The Grimm and Aurender W20SE are selling slightly over your spend cap, but a new Aurender N200 or preowned N20 are in the middle of your range and will give improvements by reducing digital glare and improving timbre, dynamics, staging and imaging over your current server/streamer setup.  My recommendation is to explore both options, a DAC change and a server/streamer change and choose the one you feel provides greater improvement.  I will give one more option, a preowned Aurender N100H with a preowned Tambaqui or DAC 9 will be just at your limit and the combination will probably provide all the improvements you seek.  


I am trying to avoid the idea that spending more equals improvement. 

To clarify, I didn't say it wouldn't -- just that it's not guaranteed. Only one way to find out. 

Thank you jsalerno277-

Funny you mention it. A server is in my upgrade plans, I thought an external DAC may provide a larger improvement so considered doing that first. The server will happen either way eventually. And if the DAC is a Tambaqui, it will definitely be pre-owned :).


My experience: About four years ago, I purchase the phenomenal Hegel H590 integrated amp, which I had no intentions of using it’s internal DAC (I heard it’s internal DAC at the dealers). Like yourself, I’m also space restrained. After further research, to save space, I decided that I wanted a streaming DAC. My budget for a DAC (pre-owned) was approx. $5000-$7000. I was aware of several excellent DAC options out there on the market, but I had on way of gaining access to all of them. I started my search by first visiting my local high end audio stores and listening to what they had available for in-store auditioning. I even traveled some distance to be able to audition other brands that were unavailable at my local audio dealers. In the end, it came down to two choices, the dCS Bartok streaming DAC, and the Ayre Acoustics QX-5 Twenty streaming DAC. I chose the Ayre Acoustics streaming DAC (best value) and never looked back. Note: I couldn’t get any of the dears to let me borrow any of the DACs for in-home auditioning, so it was absolutely critical that I made the extra effort to do the extensive in-store auditioning that I did. I’m extremely happy with the choice I made. Happy listening.