Do you listen to your music with your eyes open or closed or a combination of both?

Just curious to see if people listen to their music with their eyes opened or closed or a combination of both. I’ve tried it both ways, but find it difficult to keep my eyes closed for a long period of time.



Hopefully not!  Makes me wonder -- did Picasso actually paint that from life? It's hard to imagine anyone could sustain such a posture for very long.

I just bought one of these :

It's angled so that you can angle the guitar back somewhat while still maintaining decent posture. My wife's gonna make a strap that will wrap around my leg and secure with velcro so it doesn't slip. Unlike the guy in the painting, I play steel string, not Classical/Flamenco. 



Always open, like at a concert. Isn't it what most audiophiles strive for, reproducing the sound of a live concert in their homes. Who closes their eyes at a concert? I don't.




I do. In fact, the more I’m drawn onto the music, the greater the likelihood I’ll end up closing my eyes.

...And I've never striven to reproduce the sound of a concert at home. Sitting at home, listening to music is just fine with me. I don't demand that it be anything other than that.