Have Audiophiles lost their CIVILTY!

Have we lost our ability to respect each other and our differing opinions.  Why are some people so insecure that they are hell bent on being right?


Well, @nonoise , you've probably been vaccinated against measles . . . unlike you-know-who and you-know-who. . . .

@immatthewj Yeah...I've been vaccinated but at my age (soon to be 71) I don't think I got the Edmonston-Enders strain but the Enders strain. From what I've read so far, old farts like me (or anyone over 50-60) should get another shot just in case. 

People at my age can have really bad reactions to measles and I don't want to be incapacitated yet. As for 'the others', let them enjoy their Freedom Sores. They can wear them as a badge of ...............?

(not courage, that's for sure).

All the best,

@kb54 and @waytoomuchstuff

Everyone should read these. You both have it spot on. Couldn't have said it better.

@csmgolf how have you been. You are definitely right this country is in a bad place and people are out of control.  I don’t argue with folks anymore. I let them be. 


I am doing well. The last year has been pretty trying, but in a good spot now. Looking forward to Axpona in a few weeks.