@nonoise I agree, it is hit and miss how each amp works with power supplies. And it can be the opposite of what you think. I have a 14 lb, 2 wpc tube amp that is very sensitive.
Looking to purchase a Power Conditioner to reduce the noise floor in my system as well as to protect my system from electric spikes. The two types of conditioners seem to be as follows:
@nonoise I agree, it is hit and miss how each amp works with power supplies. And it can be the opposite of what you think. I have a 14 lb, 2 wpc tube amp that is very sensitive. Jerry |
All i know is i had more power spikes this wk and all the power filtering systems worked and saved my equipment including the monster 2000 +7000.the furman 20i is nice cuz it has big capicators to help the transients in the big monoblock amps. They could rob me of some clarity but it's like a timex that takes a licking and keeps on ticking.i don't have to pay 500$ shipping them off to get fixed.the niagra has the magic tube that I think is a capicitor for transients.watch the interview by upscale audio on upscale audio site. I'm sure my amps sound better plugged directly into the wall but I can't afford it.i do like the gadgets on the ps 20.it would be nice for you to go to a dealer and try stuff out crutchfield will let you do it.the bug spray dude fell over and lost controll of his spray nosel we heard the loud crash as his big 10 gallon can hid my grandkids toys.then 3 hours latter the ge surge protector was like the wizard of Oz and lit up.called the. The next day and the manager came and evaluated the situation.the next day got full page denial letter stating they are trained not to spray outlets. And the outlet would have char on it if thaT truly happened.they fun it by thier genius electrician. Moral of the strory.do it yourself.they must have not looked at the outlets cuz 3 had ionizationation from arc .it was soaking wet.off to the fire arsonist I go.good luck with your search and keep the pesticides sprayers away from your outletts. |
@kjl1065 +1 on the Regenerators. I have very noisy, high distortion incoming power with significant voltage swings. I bought a PS Audio PP12 and it made a world of difference, better than Furman I was trying out. Everything is plugged into it, Classe monoblocks as well, and not coming anywhere close to overloading it. Infact, it worked so well that I bought a used PP10 for the bedroom system and haven't looked back.